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A Complete Guide to Backpain and Slip Disc Treatment

A Complete Guide to Backpain and Slip Disc Treatment

Spinal discs separate each vertebra from the next and absorb the body’s shock and stress. Without them, the bones would grind together, and there would be no absorption of shock or stress. Apart from protecting the spine, they also allow to bend and twist.
The gel-like core might enter the spinal canal if the hard outer layer tears, and this can result in severe back pain as well as weakness in an arm or limb. Numbness can also experience as a result of the restriction of nerve impulses. Contact Tejasya Hospitals for slip disc treatment from some of the top experts in the area.



Age plays an important factor in disc herniation. As the discs wear down over time, tiny fractures emerge on the outside surface, allowing the gel-like core to escape.


The second most common cause of a herniated disc is trauma. You can harm yourself while lifting anything heavy or twisting suddenly.

What are the Symptoms of a Herniated Disc?

Signs & Symptoms include:

  • Feeling a little pain on one side of the body
  • Experience pain while coughing, sneezing, or moving into some position
  • Due to the pinched nerve, an experience of numbness, tingling, and burning
  • While doing activities such as sitting, standing, moving, or others worsens the pain
  • Muscle weakness or spasms that impair grip and lifting abilities
  • Cause of limping because of lack of balance
  • Delay in reflexes
  • Difficulties arising from a sitting posture
  • Inability to stay in one place for a longer time
  • Bad posture
  • Loss of bladder control or bowel control.


  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS) and Electromyogram (EMG)
  • X-ray

At Tejasya Hospital, we use cutting-edge technology to provide a precise diagnosis and a customized treatment strategy. Consult with the top slip disc treatment experts to determine the best for you.

Treatment Options

  • Achieve a healthy body weight: Excess weight is a common cause of spinal compression.
  • Give up smoking: Smoking is hazardous for health.
  • Engage in low-impact exercise: Although it may be tempting to succumb to bed rest, it might result in increased muscular stiffness and weakening.
  • Work on your core. Your doctor or physiotherapist will recommend exercises to improve the flexibility that are safe for you.
  • Consider an epidural steroid injection (ESI): Your doctor may recommend an ESI as a less invasive therapy for reducing inflammation in the afflicted nerve.

What Surgical Procedures Treat Herniated Discs?

There are two surgical ways for lumbar herniated disc treatment.

1. Microdiscectomy
This surgery eliminates parts of the disc, helps to relieve pressure on the spinal column. Microdiscectomy is also known as a micro decompression surgery.

2. Laminectomy
A laminectomy involves the removal of a part of the spinal bone. As a result of this, it develops more nerve space.

3. Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF) or Cervical Disc Replacement (CDR)
Both ACDF and CDR are procedures that remove the herniated disc and then replace it with a bone graft or an artificial disc.

4. Microlamino Foraminotomy
In this surgical procedure, the surgeon first carefully removes a portion of the bone so that the pinched nerves can get a little more space.

Most patients get immediate alleviation from symptoms like pain, numbness, and paralysis after the surgery. On the other hand, it may take several weeks for the nerves to heal fully. With the best specialist at Tejasya Hospital, you will get diagnosed and acquire a customized strategy for desired results. Contact Tejasya Hospital for your back pain therapy.


Spinal discs absorb the shock and trauma of the body. This Spinal disc separates the vertebra from each other. Without the spinal discs, the bones would grind, and absorption of the shocks would not happen. Factors such as Age, Trauma are the causes of slipped discs. But there are ways to treat these slipped discs. MRIs, NCSs, EMGs, and X-rays can help you get diagnosed. With the help of these facilities, you can easily find whether you need surgery for treating a herniated disc.
Some Surgical procedures are Laminectomy, Microdiscectomy, Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF), or Cervical Disc Replacement (CDR). There are options available for this treatment, like getting into shape, quitting smoking, and many more. But even after these remedies, some people might need surgery. And if you are looking for the best place for consultation and having surgery, Tejasya Hospital is here for you. With the help of the best specialist and the latest technologies, your treatment proceeds without any trouble. Trained medical staff are always available for you at any time. Tejasya Hospital is also known for its post-surgery services. Do you have more questions about Slip Disc Treatment? Contact Tejasya Hospital to find about the Slip Disc Treatment and herniated disc surgery. Tejasya Hospital is always available for you and provides the best service for you. For further details, Contact Tejasya Hospital.

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